A Personal Note from Amy

Dear friends,

Pastor Amy at book reading hosted by Circular Congregational Church in Charleston, SC

It’s a little less than two weeks until October 3, the release date of my book “Beautiful and Terrible Things: Faith, Doubt, and Discovering a Way Back to Each Other.” I’m having a hard time actually believing that this day is almost here. Let me tell you why.

Though I have spent most of my professional life writing and speaking in many different forms, "Beautiful and Terrible Things” is my first-ever book. To say its advent has been an ordeal would be something of an understatement; it took a good six years for the book for settle into the version that will hit shelves on October 3. 

There are a lot of reasons the book took so many years to write. Frankly, writing a book is hard, and don’t let anyone tell you differently. This book also came to life during a tremendously tumultuous time in our country and in my own life—adding to the challenge of its writing. And maybe most especially, this book is deeply personal—and it’s difficult to tell the truth about your life from a place that feels healed enough to risk the criticism and disapproval of others. 

I wrote "Beautiful and Terrible Things” because I have come to believe that the brave telling of our own truths is a key to healing—ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us. Though you’ll read much of my own story in the pages of "Beautiful and Terrible Things,” I deeply hope that the message of courageous truth-telling and a perpetual commitment to engaging with others—especially those who differ from us--will resonate with your life and your story, too.

If you plan to read the book and share it with others, it would mean a lot to me if you would take a moment to pre-order the book here. As publication date approaches you’ll likely hear more about the book, and I hope you might consider joining me for conversation at one of the stops along my book tour in October. And I’d love to work with you to use the book as a resource for programming in whatever community you lead.

Most of all, I hope that the telling of my own story will offer some connection for you, for the pain and joy and hope and doubt that we all carry because we’re all human.

Frederick Buechner wrote: “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” This book is my attempt to face down the fear; I hope it will help you do that, too.

With so much gratitude for your company along the journey,


Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler

Founder and President, Invested Faith

Learn more about Pastor Amy.

Learn more about Invested Faith.

Amy Butler